Monday, June 15, 2009

Another day another dream

We sit up in bed every single day with aspirations to pierce that mold, that layer, that boundary that separates potential and becomes success.

Is it probable? Is it possible? Can I make this happen?

Those are the questions that we bounce off the walls of our head like raquet balls. The existence of doubt is alive and real in the hardest times. On one hand you have the doubt while on the other you have your ego.

The ego is the blinding push that makes you think you can fly...even if you don't have wings.

Can you do it?

There's really only one way to find out.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Another day another dollar

Well I set up 10 new autoblogs. Today I'm thinking of going to the gym early and working out hard and then coming home and setting up more sites. Life seems pretty scary right now because I don't have a clear direction. I hope things work out. If I could get to $5 a day though with the autoblogs that would be pretty sweet. All you can do is hope though obviously. Boooom Shaka Laka. Will hopefully be back later today!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My biggest obstacle

My biggest obstacle in life is not something tangible. It is not some rule. It is not some adversary. It is not some stupid excuse. It is myself.

My own fucken laziness always finds a way to creep back into the picture. I just cleaned my room today and I feel a bit better. I also have been keeping up with weights for 2 days.

It's so easy to drift back into the pattern of sitting and waiting for the world to come to me. Now I'm 23 and I'm not getting any younger. I have a life to live and I want to achieve big things but sadly I have a ways to go.

I have been consistently going to Toastmasters. Today I gave an improv speech. It was pretty cool. I did it on China. There's a person there that's been a member of Toastmasters for over 50 yrs and he told me that he's going to help me get good. I have to work on my body language. I have a solid voice and I look comfortable. Comfortable is good but I want to be captivating. So much to do, so little time it seems.

Alright, that's good for the first day on the blog. I'm going to try to stay more consistent.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Life Goal

I just figured out what I want to do before I die.

I love deep and fulfilling things in my life but I have a few shallow likes as well :-P.

I love making money and I love helping people. Those two things I love to do. I love helping people a lot more. I'm always that guy to give gifts. It's just hard and I have to be careful that I'm not taken advantage of I guess. Anyways, my life goal.....

I want to start a Venture Capital firm. I already have the name picked out. I figure that I love investing but I don't really like the stock market as much as I thought. I have this huge dream though and I want to start a big firm.

Marquee Visions LP

This will happen. I believe it.

I started in economics, changed my major to business, changed my major to accounting, changed my major to management. I liked bits of them all honestly.

I'm 23 and it's February 9th in China at 9:59 pm. I am unemployed and don't have a bank balance over $500. Well back to work to make my own dreams come true.

I started in economics, changed my major to business, changed my major to accounting, changed my major to management. I liked bits of them all honestly.

For you guys that were bugging me, the blog is back.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

First Time in a Long Time

Well, last night I went out. Man it feels like I haven't been out in forever. $15! Daaayyyymm. I'm going to have to go out earlier. Well, suprisingly, I didn't have any nervousness at all. I walked in and just started talking to the bartender. She was really chill. She told me about the good places to go in Seattle. That was nice.

Looking back I don't remember how many sets I opened up. It must of been at least 7. I got a bitch shield once but it didn't effect me. I don't know why but people, well girls anyway, that give negativity doesn't bother me at all. I have got to learn to hit mixed sets. It's a missed opportunity.

Pretty much the big things that I've learned are that I think I have a strong frame. Once a girl asked me "Why are you in an 18+ club if you're 21?" I just looked her in the eyes and answered "Because THIS is the place to be." Also, to just open people. It's funny but girls are more open to a conversation but more guys just try to jump on the back of them. Weird how that works.

Good points....My voice was pretty good actually. Looking back my body language was damn good.

Sticking points......I gotta plow. I am going to need way more practice because I want to be able to pump buying temperature as I plow. Also I didn't close anything so I gotta work toward that as well.

My standard convos
Hey, how are you guys tonight? I'm Adrian
I'm bla bla bla
Cool, I just moved here from California and my roommates don't like to go out to clubs. So tonight I was like "I am going OUT".
some of the sets giggled
I'm trying to find the "cool" places to go. Know of any?
Yea, you should try bla bla bla

I did venue change a two set to dance. They "had to go to the bathroom" though. So I think I was grinding too much on the cute friend. Had instant rapport with this hot girl but couldn't really take it where I wanted to. Got along great with the bartender. Some serious big girl IOIs but I don't know if she was just being nice. I'll see her again though. Got a couple good shit tests from this one girl but they didn't even bug me. I think I had visual attraction from her. Right now, the only thing that is holding me back are the conversation skills. It feels like that anyway.

Alright with no closes I've got plenty to work on. I think I'll watch Foundations on the hook point. I need to work on this a lot more.

Weird how this works also but the more social girls were definitely a LOT easier to talk to for me.

Not really going to worry about verbal escalation at this point. I feel like I'm building a house from the ground up but at least it will be a cool house.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Catching up

Day 1 ended up being good. I was able to go out to dinner with my friends and Joe's parents. That was a great experience because it ended with us seeing Pauly Shore. He was wasted and lazily falling all over himself. Poor guy. He tried to talk to some high school girls and that was funny to witness their reaction.
From there Me and Joe went to Safeway to get a bottle of Grey Goose for Talin and her 21st birthday. I think Grey Goose might be my favorite and I don't even really like it that much. I guess that says something about me and alcohol. That damn bottle was 33 dollars and I know Joe isn't going to pay me back any time soon. Oh well!
Talin's party was a girl fest! There was so many women there! OMG! All were skinny with big breasts. They did wear those shirts that were form fitting on top and loose around the waste and stomach but still pretty impressive. I saw Talin but she just gave me her usual emotional thanks and went off to do her own thing. Overall the party was good. From there I went to playground with Joe. I need to stop following his ass.
I went to Blue House from there and said hi to those guys. I love those guys. They're good people. From here I went to the Hut. The Hut officially sucks. The condescending attitude of the people there is really beginning to get to me. I don't like it. I need to work on this. I didn't approach anybody. This is going to have to CHANGE.
Later on that night I went to do some laundry and ended up being with Carrie. That was fun. I went for it but.....damn, she didn't want to! I need more. I need practice. I can't continue beating myself up over it though. We'll see.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day 1

Today is the beginning of my journey. I'm tired of sitting back and acting lazy and not taking control of my life. Today I was sitting at lunch with a man that I know will be successful. I was joking with him about the future and things to come. He said "That's all possible. You just have to take control of your life."
Well in that case.... I want to be sucessful. I will be successful. One step at a time. I constantly read all these pickup articles on what to do and I've even taken a bootcamp. You know's time. Time to take the right outlook on this. Time to FOCUS. No more bullshitting. Even TI says that "opportunity is right in front of you." I know I'm pretty good looking and I can achieve that player that is untouchable. The three things that I need to focus are mind, body, and spirit. I work, volunteer, and NEED to STUDY. I have one more year of college available is TIME.